Tuesday, August 12, 2008

So happy for ma fren!! ^^

Yayness!!! One of ma bffs got a new guy...!! They aint goin steady yet..they just met and gettin to know eah other better and they like....CLICK! They are so into each other ... ya all know how it feels in the starting phase..
Ya might wonder why its worth mentioning but tell ya what....this gurl..she the nicest peeps ya can ever come across.....she got such a nice and warm heart.....[no wonder she's ma bff!! lol ]
And she's so effin Gawjuss too!! ^^
And she deserves the best.....and she had gone thru a horrible experience...yeah....with her ex-boyfriend....he was two-timing her [what a fuckin jerk!] The jerk was her first love 0-o...that asshole knew it..aarrgghh...he should be damned.....he hurt her so bad.......

So ya see....she is happy and startin to believe in LOVE again......i wish her all the happiness!!!
God Bless.

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